Canadian Space Agency


Russian Space Agency

European Space Agency

Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Yuri's Night - World Space Party

New Horizons has been in space for 6764 days. (Launch Date: Jan 19, 2006)

It's been 3301 days
since New Horizons'
closest approach
to Pluto on
July 14, 2015.

It's been 2034 days
since New Horizons'
closest approach
to 2014 MU69 on
January 1, 2019.

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1961 Tasco 12TE

Tasco 4.5 Lunagrosso June, 2024

  July 2024  

August, 2024

     Current Date  










     254 years ago, in 1770:

Comet D/1770 L1 (Lexell's Comet), passes 0.015AU's from Earth (1.4 million miles, 2.3 million km's).

     205 years ago, in 1819:

Johann Georg Tralles in Germany discovers Comet Tralles (C/1819 N1, Great Comet of 1819).

     64 years ago, in 1960:

The NASA Launch Operations Center (LOC) at Cape Canaveral is established.

     64 years ago, in 1960:

NASA's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) comes into being.

     63 years ago, in 1961:

Explorer 6 burns up in the atmosphere.

     62 years ago, in 1962:

NASA establishes the Launch Operations Center, later renamed to Kennedy Space Center.

     31 years ago, in 1993:

ESA's European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA), a 4.5 tonne satellite with 15 experiments, is recovered 334 days after launch by Space Shuttle Endeavour (STS-57).

     11 years ago, in 2013:

The Jason-1 Earth satellite is decommissioned after its last transmitter fails.

     8 years ago, in 2016:

The Dawn probe begins its extended science mission at Ceres.

 2            WANING CRESCENT 

     65 years ago, in 1959:

The Soviet dogs Lisa and Ryzhik, and a rabbit named Marfusha, are launched aboard an R2-A for a sub-orbital flight, and survive.

     57 years ago, in 1967:

The Vela 3 and Vela 4 satellites detect a flash of gamma radiation, later found out to be a GRB (gamma-ray burst).

     39 years ago, in 1985:

The Giotto probe is launched by ESA to study Halley's Comet.

     10 years ago, in 2014:

The Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) satellite, designed to study atmospheric carbon dioxide, is successfully launced.


     55 years ago, in 1969:

On the second test of the Soviet N-1 rocket booster, the Zond L1S-2 capsule is launched to be put into lunar orbit, but the rocket fails 9 seconds after liftoff.

     50 years ago, in 1974:

Soyuz 14 is launched, the only successful spaceflight to the Salyut 3 space station.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

The Solar Anomalous and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX), the first spacecraft in NASA's Small Explorer program, is launched.

     29 years ago, in 1995:

The Japanese probe Sakigake makes its fourth and last Earth swingby.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

Deep Impact releases an impactor aimed at Comet Tempel 1.

     17 years ago, in 2007:

Stardust is given an extended mission, NExT, to re-visit Comet Tempel 1 (first visit was Deep Impact).


     970 years ago, in 1054:

Chinese astronomers make the first recorded observation of supernova SN 1054; its remnants are the Crab Nebula.

     56 years ago, in 1968:

NASA launches Radio Astronomy Explorer A from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

     42 years ago, in 1982:

The shuttle Columbia (STS-4) lands at Edwards Air Force Base, the fourth and final orbital test flight of the Shuttle.

     27 years ago, in 1997:

Mars Pathfinder/Sojourner lands at Ares Vallis flood plain on Mars.

     26 years ago, in 1998:

Japan launches the Nozomi probe to Mars.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

Deep Impact's impactor reaches the surface of Comet Tempel 1.

     18 years ago, in 2006:

STS-121 with shuttle Discovery becomes the first and only Independence Day launch.

 5            NEW MOON 

     337 years ago, in 1687:

Isaac Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) is first published.

     58 years ago, in 1966:

AS-203 is successfully launched; a test flight of the Saturn IB rocket to verify the function of the S-IVB rocket stage restart capability.

     8 years ago, in 2016:

The Juno probe arrives at Jupiter and enters polar orbit.


     86 years ago, in 1938:

Seth Barnes Nicholson discovers one of Jupiter's moons, Lysithea.

     58 years ago, in 1966:

The Soviet Proton rocket makes its last flight.

     58 years ago, in 1966:

The Soviet Proton-3 satellite is launched for the study of high and ultra-high energy particles.

     48 years ago, in 1976:

Soyuz 21 is launched to the Salyut 5 space station.


     36 years ago, in 1988:

The Soviet Union launches Phobos 1 to Mars.

     21 years ago, in 2003:

The Delta II 7000H makes its maiden flight, launching the Mars Rover "Opportunity".


     182 years ago, in 1842:

Francis Baily of the United Kingdom, at an eclipse in Italy, focuses attention on the corona and prominences and identifies them as part of the Sun's atmosphere.

     48 years ago, in 1976:

Palapa A1 is launched, becoming the first Indonesian communications satellite.

     45 years ago, in 1979:

Adrastea, an inner moon of Jupiter, is the first moon discovered by images from a spacecraft, Voyager 2.

     30 years ago, in 1994:

Aboard the shuttle Columbia (STS-65), Chiaki Mukai becomes the first Japanese woman to go to space.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

The final flight of the American Space Shuttle program is flown with Atlantis (STS-135 ), bringing to the ISS the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module, Raffaello.

 9            WAXING CRESCENT 

     62 years ago, in 1962:

Starfish Prime, a high-altitude nuclear test conducted by the U.S. with a W49 thermonuclear warhead, becomes the largest man-made nuclear explosion in outer space.

     45 years ago, in 1979:

Voyager 2 flies by Jupiter.


     62 years ago, in 1962:

Telstar 1 is launched, becoming the first privately sponsored space launch (AT&T).

     61 years ago, in 1963:

Last contact is made with Explorer 17.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

The Giotto probe passes Comet Grigg-Skjellerup at a distance of 200 km (124 miles); the first craft to do a close flyby of two comets.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

JAXA's fifth cosmic X-ray satellite, Suzaku (ASTRO-E2) is launched successfully, and carries a new type of X-ray spectrometer, the X-ray micro-calorimeter.

     14 years ago, in 2010:

The Rosetta probe flies by asteroid Lutetia.


     45 years ago, in 1979:

Skylab burns up in the Earth's atmosphere.

     34 years ago, in 1990:

Gamma, a Soviet/French gamma ray telescope, is launced, but the telescope fails soon after launch.

     33 years ago, in 1991:

Astronomers observe the total eclipse from Mauna Kea on Hawaii, making sensitive radio and infrared measurements of the solar chromosphere and obtaining high-resolution optical images of the corona and prominences.

     28 years ago, in 1996:

After 35 years, Pioneer 6 is commanded to switch to its backup primary transmitter, and the signal is re-acquired.


     36 years ago, in 1988:

The Soviet Union launches Phobos 2 to Mars.

     24 years ago, in 2000:

The Zvezda Service Module is launched to the ISS aboard a Russian Proton-K rocket.

     18 years ago, in 2006:

Genesis I, an experimental space habitat built by Bigelow Aerospace, is successfully launched from Dombarovsky Air Base, Russia.

 13            FIRST QUARTER 

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Luna 15 is launched to the Moon; the second Soviet attempt to bring back soil from the surface.

     29 years ago, in 1995:

The Galileo spacecraft releases its atmospheric entry probe to study Jupiters atmosphere.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

The Cassini probe discovers the south pole of Enceladus is almost crater free, with warm fractures in the surface and a cloud of water vapour extending into space.

     5 years ago, in 2019:

Spektr-RG, a Russian–German high-energy astrophysics space observatory, is launched.


     57 years ago, in 1967:

Surveyor 4 is launched for the Moon.

     12 years ago, in 2012:

The Kepler space telescope's first reaction wheel fails.

     9 years ago, in 2015:

New Horizons becomes the first spacecraft to visit Pluto.


     59 years ago, in 1965:

Mariner 4 makes its closest approach to Mars, taking the first photos of another planet from space.

     52 years ago, in 1972:

Pioneer 10 becomes the first probe to enter the asteroid belt.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

The last Apollo Command/Service Module is launched for the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project (ASTP).

     49 years ago, in 1975:

Soyuz 19 is launched for the Apollo–Soyuz Test Project (ASTP).

     15 years ago, in 2009:

The shuttle Endeavour (STS-127) is launched to the ISS with the Exposed Facility and the Exposed Section for the Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo).

     15 years ago, in 2009:

Julie Payette, aboard the shuttle Endeavour, is the first Canadian woman to return to space.


     66 years ago, in 1958:

Congress passes the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958.

     60 years ago, in 1964:

Zond 1 passes by Venus, though no data is sent due to a faulty transmitter.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

The Soviet Proton rocket makes its first flight.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

The Soviet Proton-1 satellite is launched for the study of high and ultra-high energy particles.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Apollo 11 is launched to land humans on the Moon.

     42 years ago, in 1982:

Landsat 4 is launched.

     34 years ago, in 1990:

Pakistan's first indigenously developed and manufactured satellite, Badr-1, is successfully launched.

     34 years ago, in 1990:

A shepherd moon of Saturn, Pan, is discovered using data from Voyager 2 images.

     30 years ago, in 1994:

The first fragment from Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 impacts Jupiter.

 17            WAXING GIBBOUS 

     760 years ago, in 1264:

Japanese observers are the first to view the Great Comet of 1264 (C/1264 N1).

     1690 years ago, in 334:

Julius Firmicus Maternus of the Roman Empire makes the first recorded observation of solar prominences during an annular eclipse

     57 years ago, in 1967:

Last contact is made with NASA's Lunar Orbiter 4.

     57 years ago, in 1967:

Contact is lost with Surveyor 4 just 2.5 minutes before crashing on the Moon.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Luna 15 goes into orbit around the Moon.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

First USA/USSR docking of an Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft.

     40 years ago, in 1984:

With the launching of Soyuz T-12 to Salyut 7, Svetlana Savitskaya becomes the first woman to go to space twice.

     39 years ago, in 1985:

The Galileo II Convair 990 flying laboratory is destroyed in a fire as a result of runway overrun during take-off.

     17 years ago, in 2007:

2007 OR10 (Gonggong), a trans-Neptunian object, is discovered by Megan Schwamb, Michael Brown, and David Rabinowitz at the Palomar Observatory.

     15 years ago, in 2009:

After the shuttle Endeavour (STS-127) docks with the ISS, the station has a record thirteen people on board.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

The Dawn probe goes into orbit around the asteroid Vesta.

     11 years ago, in 2013:

The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) sees first light.


     59 years ago, in 1965:

Zond 3 is launched and sent towards the orbit of Mars as a spacecraft test, passing the Moon first.

     58 years ago, in 1966:

Gemini X is launched; completes rendezvous with Agena Target Vehicle from Gemini VIII, and 43 orbits.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

Spektr-R (RadioAstron), a Russian satellite with a radio telescope, is launched to study radio sources inside and outside of our galaxy.

     11 years ago, in 2013:

Cassini takes a picture of Earth from Saturn.


     1606 years ago, in 418:

The historian Philostorgius in Asia Minor makes the first report of a comet discovered during a solar eclipse.

     57 years ago, in 1967:

Explorer 35 is launched to study interplanetary space phenomena near the Moon.

     50 years ago, in 1974:

Soyuz 14 leaves the Salyut 3 space station and lands on Earth.

     11 years ago, in 2013:

The Cassini spacecraft takes a picture from the orbit of Saturn, capturing Saturn's rings and the Earth and its Moon in the same frame.


     60 years ago, in 1964:

SERT-1 is launched, and successfully tests the first electrostatic ion thruster engine design.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

Zond 3 goes past the Moon, and heads for the orbit of Mars.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

The Apollo 11 Lunar Module lands on the Moon, Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to step on another world.

     48 years ago, in 1976:

The Viking 1 lander touches down at Chryse Planitia on Mars.

     25 years ago, in 1999:

The Liberty Bell 7 capsule is recovered from the ocean floor by Oceaneering International, Inc.

 21            FULL MOON 

     110 years ago, in 1914:

Seth Barnes Nicholson discovers one of Jupiter's moons, Sinope.

     63 years ago, in 1961:

Second U.S. suborbital flight, with astronaut Virgil I. Grissom (Mercury/Liberty Bell 7).

     58 years ago, in 1966:

Gemini X lands back on Earth.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Luna 15 crashes into the Moon and contact is lost.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The Soviet Mars 4 spacecraft is launched.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

Soyuz 19 returns to Earth.

     23 years ago, in 2001:

The Quest Joint Airlock, enabling both Russian and American EVA's, is launched to the ISS aboard shuttle Atlantis (STS-104).

     20 years ago, in 2004:

The Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) is placed into hibernation for the first time.

     18 years ago, in 2006:

During a flyby of Titan, Cassini's radar discovers several lakes on the surface of the moon.

     18 years ago, in 2006:

Actaea, a moon of the TNO Salacia, is discovered using images acquired by the Hubble telescope.


     73 years ago, in 1951:

Dezik and Tsygan, launched aboard a Soviet R1, are the first dogs to make a sub-orbital flight (both survived).

     62 years ago, in 1962:

Mariner 1 is launched to Venus, but a guidance systems failure causes it to be destroyed by a range safety officer.

     52 years ago, in 1972:

The Venera 8 probe lands on Venus, where it survives for 50 minutes.

     37 years ago, in 1987:

On board the Soyuz TM-3 mission to Mir, Muhammed Faris becomes the first Syrian and the second Arab to visit space.

     30 years ago, in 1994:

The last fragment from Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 impacts Jupiter.

     14 years ago, in 2010:

The French PICARD Solar Satellite takes its first image of the Sun.


     62 years ago, in 1962:

Telstar 1 broadcasts the first live television transmissions from the United States and France.

     52 years ago, in 1972:

The Earth Resources Technology Satellite (Landsat 1) is launched.

     44 years ago, in 1980:

On board the Soyuz 37 mission to Salyut 6, Pham Tuan becomes the first Asian and the first Vietnamese to visit space.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

The Giotto probe's mission is ended.

     29 years ago, in 1995:

Comet Hale–Bopp (C/1995 O1) is discovered separately by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp.

     25 years ago, in 1999:

The Chandra X-ray Observatory is launched aboard shuttle Columbia (STS-93).

     9 years ago, in 2015:

NASA's Kepler space telescope discovers the first confirmed near-Earth-size exoplanet in the “habitable zone” around a sun-like star, Kepler-452b.

 24            WANING GIBBOUS 

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Apollo 11 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean and is retrieved by the USS Hornet .

     55 years ago, in 1969:

The Soviet Proton-4 satellite, designed to study the interaction of elementary particles, ends its mission.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

The last Apollo Command/Service Module returns to Earth.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

The Delta II 6000 makes its last flight, launching the Geotail satellite for observing the Earth's magnetosphere.


     57 years ago, in 1967:

The Soviet R-7A Semyorka ICBM makes its final flight.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The Soviet Mars 5 spacecraft is launched.

     46 years ago, in 1978:

Viking Orbiter 2 ends its mission at Mars.

     40 years ago, in 1984:

On her second trip to Salyut 7, Svetlana Savitskaya becomes the first woman to perform a spacewalk.


     415 years ago, in 1609:

Thomas Harriot becomes the first person to make a drawing of the Moon through a telescope.

     66 years ago, in 1958:

Explorer 4 is launched for further study of the Van Allen Belts.

     61 years ago, in 1963:

Syncom 2 is launched, becoming the first successful geosynchronous communications satellite.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

Apollo 15 launch to land on the moon.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

After 63 days, Soyuz 18 leaves the Salyut 4 space station and lands on Earth.

     24 years ago, in 2000:

The Zvezda Service Module is docked with the Zarya module, making the ISS inhabitable.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

The first flight since the Columbia disaster, shuttle Discovery (STS-114) launches for the ISS, bringing the External Stowage Platform-2 (ESP-2).


     13 years ago, in 2011:

The WISE space telescope discovers the first Earth trojan asteroid.

     10 years ago, in 2014:

Mission data from Cassini's flybys of Saturn's moon Enceladus reveal 101 distinct geysers erupting at the surface.

     8 years ago, in 2016:

The Rosetta probe shuts off communication with the Philae lander.

 28            LAST QUARTER 

     173 years ago, in 1851:

The first correctly exposed photographic image of a solar eclipse, a daguerreotype, is made by Julius Berkowski at the Royal Observatory in Konigsberg, Prussia.

     105 years ago, in 1919:

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is founded at the Constitutive Assembly of the International Research Council .

     64 years ago, in 1960:

The Soviet dogs Bars (Chayka) and Lisichka are launched for an orbital flight; but die after their rocket explodes 28.5 seconds into the launch.

     60 years ago, in 1964:

Ranger 7 is launched to the Moon.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

Skylab 3, the second manned mission to Skylab, is launched.


     66 years ago, in 1958:

The National Aeronautics and Space Act (NASA) is signed into a law by President Eisenhower.

     52 years ago, in 1972:

DOS-2, intended to be Salyut-2, is launched, but fails to reach orbit when the second stage of its Proton-K rocket fails.

     25 years ago, in 1999:

Deep Space 1 flies within 17 miles of asteroid 9969 Braille.


     108 years ago, in 1916:

951 Gaspra, an S-type asteroid orbiting close to the inner edge of the asteroid belt, is discovered by the Russian astronomer G. N. Neujmin.

     86 years ago, in 1938:

Seth Barnes Nicholson discovers one of Jupiter's moons, Carme.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

After 10 launches and no failures, the Saturn I is retired.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

AS-105 (SA-10), is successfully launched, carrying the fifth and final 'boilerplate' version of the Apollo spacecraft, and the third and final Pegasus micrometeroid detection satellite.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

Apollo 15 lands on the moon.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

The moon rover is driven on the moon for the first time.

     7 years ago, in 2017:

Interstellar Technologies, a Japanese private rocket spacelaunch company, launches their first rocket, MOMO-1, but it fails soon after launch.

 31            WANING CRESCENT 

     60 years ago, in 1964:

Ranger 7 sends back 4,316 pictures before crashing into the lunar surface.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Mariner 6 makes its closest approach to Mars.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) is used for the first time on the Moon.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

On board shuttle Atlantis (STS-46), Franco Malerba becomes the first Italian citizen to visit space.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

On board shuttle Atlantis (STS-46), Claude Nicollier becomes the first Swiss citizen to visit space.

     25 years ago, in 1999:

After a successful mission, NASA's Lunar Prospector is deliberately crashed near the south lunar pole.

     16 years ago, in 2008:

The Phoenix lander directly samples water ice in the Martian soil.

     5 years ago, in 2019:

The David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill, Ontario, is made a National Historic Site of Canada.