Canadian Space Agency


Russian Space Agency

European Space Agency

Jet Propulsion Laboratory


Yuri's Night - World Space Party

New Horizons has been in space for 6764 days. (Launch Date: Jan 19, 2006)

It's been 3301 days
since New Horizons'
closest approach
to Pluto on
July 14, 2015.

It's been 2034 days
since New Horizons'
closest approach
to 2014 MU69 on
January 1, 2019.

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1961 Tasco 12TE

Tasco 4.5 Lunagrosso April, 2024

  May 2024  

June, 2024

     Current Date  









 1            LAST QUARTER 

     75 years ago, in 1949:

Gerard Kuiper discovers one of Neptune's moons, Nereid.

     45 years ago, in 1979:

NASA's Crawler Transporter One carries the space shuttle Enterprise, with external tank and two inert solid rocket boosters, to Launch Pad A for fit check.

     28 years ago, in 1996:

The Ulysses spacecraft crosses the ion tail of Comet Hyakutake.


     244 years ago, in 1780:

The first binary star system to be discovered, Xi Ursae Majoris, is found by William Herschel.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

Boeing and Lockheed Martin announce their intention to form the United Launch Alliance.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

The British Skylark sounding rocket launches on its 441st and final flight with a Swedish payload, Maser 10.


     363 years ago, in 1661:

Christiaan Huygens observes the planet Mercury transit the Sun.

     309 years ago, in 1715:

During an eclipse in England, Edmond Halley is the first to report the phenomenon later known as Baily's Beads.

     43 years ago, in 1981:

2685 Masursky, a main-belt asteroid, is discovered by Edward Bowell at the Lowell Observatory.

     38 years ago, in 1986:

The first NASA launch following the Challenger disaster, GEOS-G on board a Delta 3914, is destroyed by range safety after a premature engine shut down caused by a lightning strike.

 4            WANING CRESCENT 

     57 years ago, in 1967:

NASA's Lunar Orbiter 4 is launched to photograph the Moon.

     35 years ago, in 1989:

The Magellan spacecraft is brought into orbit and launched to Venus from Space Shuttle Atlantis (STS-30).

     17 years ago, in 2007:

An Ariane 5-ECA rocket set a new commercial payload record, lifting two satellites with a combined mass of 9.4 tonnes.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

The first organized "Star Wars" Day celebration takes place in Toronto, Canada.


     63 years ago, in 1961:

Alan Shepard is the first American to be in a suborbital flight around the Earth (Mercury/Freedom 7).

     57 years ago, in 1967:

Ariel 3, the first satellite designed and constructed in the United Kingdom, is launched to measure properties of the thermosphere and measure large-scale galactic radio frequency noise.

     34 years ago, in 1990:

The Russian Progress expendable cargo spacecraft makes its last flight (Progress 42).

     30 years ago, in 1994:

The Clementine lunar probe leaves lunar orbit to fly by asteroid Geographos.

     27 years ago, in 1997:

NASA ends the International Cometary Explorer (ICE, formerly ISEE-3) mission.

     27 years ago, in 1997:

Iridium satellites 4,5,6,7 and 8 are the first ones launched to be part of the Iridium satellite constellation service.

     6 years ago, in 2018:

The Insight probe and the first deep-space CubeSats, the MarCO pair, are launched to Mars for study of the planet's interior; also marking the first interplanetary mission to launch from the West Coast.


     271 years ago, in 1753:

Charles Messier makes his first documented observation; the Mercury transit of the Sun.

     106 years ago, in 1918:

The 72 inch Plaskett telescope at The Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Saanich, British Columbia sees first light.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

The Lincoln Calibration Sphere 1 (LCS-1), a large aluminium sphere used for radar calibration, launches with the Lincoln Experimental Satellite-2.

     38 years ago, in 1986:

The ESA's EXOSAT re-enters and burns up in the Earth's atmosphere.

     22 years ago, in 2002:

SpaceX is founded by Elon Musk.

     19 years ago, in 2005:

The Cassini Imaging Science Tam discovers a shepherd moon of Saturn, Daphnis.


     61 years ago, in 1963:

Telstar 2 is launched.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

SAS-3, an X-ray telescope, is launched.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

Canada's Anik A3 communications satellite is launched.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

The shuttle Endeavour (STS-49) lifts off for its maiden flight.

     30 years ago, in 1994:

The Clementine lunar probe has a computer malfunction on its way to asteroid Geographos, thus ending the mission.

     11 years ago, in 2013:

The first Estonian satellite, ESTCube-1, is successfully launched, and is the first satellite to attempt to use an electric solar wind sail.

 8            NEW MOON 

     62 years ago, in 1962:

The first Atlas-Centaur rocket is launched, but the Centaur stage ruptures at 53 seconds into the flight and disintegrates, taking the Atlas with it.

     57 years ago, in 1967:

Lunar Orbiter 4 becomes the first spacecraft to go into a polar orbit around the Moon.

     6 years ago, in 2018:

The Insight probe's deep-space CubeSats, the MarCO pair, set a distance record for CubeSats at 621,371 miles (1 million km) form Earth.

     6 years ago, in 2018:

One of the Insight probe's deep-space CubeSats, MarCO-B, takes its first picture, and captures the Earth and Moon.


     102 years ago, in 1922:

Tthe IAU passes a resolution to formally adopt Annie Jump Cannon's stellar classification system.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

Luna 5 is launched to the Moon.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The Lunokhod 2 (USSR) moon rover rolls into a crater, where dust covers its solar panels.

     21 years ago, in 2003:

The Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft is launched for asteroid Itokawa.


     78 years ago, in 1946:

A White Sands modified V-2 rocket reaches 69 miles (111 kms).

     59 years ago, in 1965:

Last contact is made with Explorer 18.

     43 years ago, in 1981:

After just over 17 years in orbit, Explorer 19 reenters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up.

     8 years ago, in 2016:

NASA's Kepler space telescope verifies 1,284 new exoplanets, the single largest finding of exoplanets to date.

 11            WAXING CRESCENT 

     243 years ago, in 1781:

The Sombrero Galaxy (M104) is discovered by Pierre Méchain.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

Kosmos 557, intended to be Salyut-3, is launched.

     15 years ago, in 2009:

Servicing Mission 4 is launched aboard shuttle Atlantis (STS-125) to install on Hubble the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) and Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3).

     6 years ago, in 2018:

The Falcon 9 Block-5 makes its successful maiden flight, placing Bangladesh's first communications satellite, Bangabandhu-1, into orbit.


     94 years ago, in 1930:

The first planetarium in the United States, Adler Planetarium in Chicago, is opened to the public.

     59 years ago, in 1965:

Luna 5 crashes into the Moon, instead of a soft landing as planned.

     57 years ago, in 1967:

The Soviet Vostok-2 carrier rocket makes its final flight.

     22 years ago, in 2002:

During a storm at Baikonur Cosmodrome, the MIK 112 hangar housing OK-1K1 collapses, killing 8 and destroying the Buran shuttle and Energia carrier rocket.

     12 years ago, in 2012:

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter takes four images of the solar eclipse.


     291 years ago, in 1733:

Birger Wassenius of Sweden, observing an eclipse near Göteborg, is the first to report prominences visible to the unaided eye; he incorrectly attributes them to the Moon.

     163 years ago, in 1861:

John Tebbutt of Australia discovers the Great Comet of 1861 (C/1861 J1).

     64 years ago, in 1960:

The original Echo 1, a metalized balloon passive-communications satellite, is launched, but the rocket explodes after lift-off.

     52 years ago, in 1972:

Discovered by astronomer Charles Kowal, SN 1972E becomes the prototype for understanding type Ia supernova.

     15 years ago, in 2009:

NASA's Kepler space telescope successfully completes its commissioning phase and begins science operations.

     5 years ago, in 2019:

Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy, flares to 75 times brighter than usual for two hours.


     60 years ago, in 1964:

Communications fail for the Venus-bound Zond 1 spacecraft.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The first U.S. spacestation, Skylab, is launched, but loses one solar panel and jams the other.

     43 years ago, in 1981:

The Soyuz 7K-T spacecraft makes its final flight, and is the last Soyuz mission to visit Salyut 6.

     43 years ago, in 1981:

On board the Soyuz 40 mission to Salyut 6, Dumitru Prunariu becomes the first Romanian to visit space.

     15 years ago, in 2009:

The Herschel infrared telescope and the Planck observatory are launched together.

     14 years ago, in 2010:

The shuttle Atlantis (STS-132) is launched to the ISS with the Russian Rassvet Mini-Research Module.

     11 years ago, in 2013:

The Kepler space telescope's second reaction wheel fails, ending the primary mission.

 15            FIRST QUARTER 

     67 years ago, in 1957:

The first launch of a Soviet R-7 Semyorka leads to an unintended crash 400 km (250 mi) from the launch site.

     66 years ago, in 1958:

Sputnik 3 is launched to explore the upper atmosphere and near space.

     64 years ago, in 1960:

Korabl-Sputnik 1 (Sputnik 4), the first and unmanned test flight of the Vostok, is launched.

     61 years ago, in 1963:

Mercury/Faith 7, the last Mercury mission, orbits the earth 22 times, with astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.

     33 years ago, in 1991:

The Magellan spacecraft begins its secondary mission at Venus; filling in the gaps from the primary mapping mission.

     27 years ago, in 1997:

Aboard the shuttle Atlantis (STS-84), Yelena Kondakova becomes the first Russian woman to travel on the Space Shuttle.

     15 years ago, in 2009:

The Spitzer space telescope runs out of liquid helium cooland, ending the primary mission and beginning the Spitzer Warm Mission.


     59 years ago, in 1965:

Telstar 2 is turned off.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Venera 5 reaches Venus and sends a probe into the atmosphere; it returns data for 53 minutes.

     26 years ago, in 1998:

The ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) mission is officially ended.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

The 25th and final flight of Endeavour (STS-134) launches to the ISS with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02), and the final ExPRESS Logistics Carrier.

     10 years ago, in 2014:

By using the radiation pressure from the Sun to make up for its failed reaction wheels, NASA extends the Kepler mission to a new mission named K2.


     142 years ago, in 1882:

On an expedition in Egypt , Dr. Arthur Schuster sees a comet (Tewfik) near the Sun during a total eclipse.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Venera 6 reaches Venus and sends a probe into the atmosphere; it returns data for 51 minutes.

     50 years ago, in 1974:

SMS-1, the first of two predecessors to the GOES series of satellites, is launched.

     6 years ago, in 2018:

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), flies past the Moon for a gravity assist to reach its final orbit.


     55 years ago, in 1969:

Apollo 10 is launched; the first with the complete spacecraft (LM & CM).

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The maiden flight of the Soyuz-U rocket takes place, carrying the satellite Kosmos 559 to orbit.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The first Soyuz-U orbital carrier rocket is launched, placing Kosmos 559, a Zenit military surveillance satellite, into orbit.

     33 years ago, in 1991:

On board the Soyuz TM-12 mission to Mir, Helen Sharman becomes the first British astronaut and the first woman to visit Mir.

     6 years ago, in 2018:

A memory card ontaining the names of over 1.1 million people and photos of Eugene Parker is mounted to the Parker Solar Probe.

 19            WAXING GIBBOUS 

     63 years ago, in 1961:

Venera 1 is the first craft to fly by Venus, though contact is lost.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

The Soviet Mars 2 spacecraft is launched.

     28 years ago, in 1996:

Marc Garneau, aboard the shuttle Endeavour (STS-77), is the first Canadian to return to space.


     46 years ago, in 1978:

The Pioneer Venus Orbiter is launched.

     29 years ago, in 1995:

The Spektr (Power Module) is launched to be a part of the Mir space station.

     24 years ago, in 2000:

The Galileo spacecraft flies by Jupiters moon Ganymede at a range of 809 km (503 miles).

     23 years ago, in 2001:

The Soyuz-FG orbital carrier rocket is launched on its maiden flight, carrying Progress M1-6 to the ISS.

     21 years ago, in 2003:

The Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne makes its first captive carry test flight.

     14 years ago, in 2010:

The Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter, Akatsuki, and the first ever solar sail craft, IKAROS, are launched together from the Tanegashima Space Center.


     240 years ago, in 1784:

William Herschel discovers NGC 6287, a globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus.

     55 years ago, in 1969:

Apollo 10 enters lunar orbit, circles the Moon 31 times, tests LM separation.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

The Kuiper Airborne Observatory is dedicated at NASA's Ames Research Center.

     7 years ago, in 2017:

Comet C/2017 K2 is discovered by PANSTARRS, and becomes the farthest active inbound comet seen.


     240 years ago, in 1784:

William Herschel discovers NGC 6284, a globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus.

     78 years ago, in 1946:

A White Sands WAC Corporal reaches the then-defined edge of space, 50 miles (80 kms).

     51 years ago, in 1973:

Kosmos 557, intended to be Salyut-3, fails after 11 days in orbit and burns up in Earth's atmosphere.

     12 years ago, in 2012:

The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft's second test mission (COTS Demo Flight 2+) is launched to the ISS.

 23            FULL MOON 

     66 years ago, in 1958:

Explorer 1 makes its final transmission.

     7 years ago, in 2017:

Astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fischer take an unplanned spacewalk to replace a broken data relay box outside of the ISS.

     5 years ago, in 2019:

SpaceX launches 60 Starlink satellites on a third-time used Falcon 9.


     481 years ago, in 1543:

Nicolaus Copernicus dies at age 70 in Frauenburg, Royal Prussia, Kingdom of Poland.

     189 years ago, in 1835:

John Herschel discovers NGC 6325, a globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus.

     62 years ago, in 1962:

Mercury/Aurora 7 orbits the earth with astronaut Scott M. Carpenter.

     56 years ago, in 1968:

Echo 1A re-enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up.

     49 years ago, in 1975:

Soyuz 18 is launched to the Salyut 4 space station.

     48 years ago, in 1976:

Ariel 1, the first British satellite, burns up in the atmosphere.

     43 years ago, in 1981:

Larissa, a moon of Neptune, is discovered by ground-based stellar occultation observations.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

NASA announces The Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (Orion MPCV).


     63 years ago, in 1961:

President Kennedy makes his famous "Moon speech".

     59 years ago, in 1965:

AS-104 (SA-8), is successfully launched, carrying the fourth 'boilerplate' version of the Apollo spacecraft and the second Pegasus micrometeroid detection satellite.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

Skylab 2, the first manned mission to Skylab, is launched to repair the solar panels.

     36 years ago, in 1988:

After almost 26 years in orbit, Explorer 14 reenters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up.

     25 years ago, in 1999:

The International Astrophysical Observatory 'Granat' reenters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up.

     23 years ago, in 2001:

The Galileo spacecraft flies by the surface of Jupiters moon Calisto at 138 km (86 miles), closer than any previous encounter.

     16 years ago, in 2008:

Phoenix Mars Mission lands at Green Valley in Vastitas Borealis, near the north polar cap.

     13 years ago, in 2011:

Mars Rover "Spirit" mission ends after 7 years.

     12 years ago, in 2012:

The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft's second test mission (COTS Demo Flight 2+) docks with the ISS, becoming the first private spacecraft to do so.

     7 years ago, in 2017:

Rocket Lab's first Electron rocket is launched from New Zealand, becoming the first space launch for the country.


     55 years ago, in 1969:

Apollo 10 splashes down in the Pacific Ocean and is retrieved by the USS Princeton.

     44 years ago, in 1980:

On board the Soyuz 36 mission to Salyut 6, Bertalan Farkas becomes the first Hungarian to visit space.

     41 years ago, in 1983:

The ESA's EXOSAT (European X-ray Observing Satellite) is launched.

     17 years ago, in 2007:

Comet C/2007 K5 (Lovejoy) is discovered by Australian amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy.

     14 years ago, in 2010:

The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) sees "first light".

 27            WANING GIBBOUS 

     34 years ago, in 1990:

The last Russian Progress expendable cargo spacecraft, Progress 42, deorbits and breaks up over the Pacific Ocean.

     32 years ago, in 1992:

9969 Braille, an asteroid classified as a Mars-crosser and slow rotator, is discovered by E. F. Helin and K. J. Lawrence at the Palomar observatory.

     25 years ago, in 1999:

Julie Payette, aboard the shuttle Discovery (STS-96), is the first Canadian to visit the ISS.

     15 years ago, in 2009:

Frank De Winne of Belgium become the first astronaut from the ESA to command the ISS (Expedition 21).

     15 years ago, in 2009:

Robert Thirsk is the first Canadian to go to space on a Russian vehicle; Soyuz TMA-15 to the ISS.


     65 years ago, in 1959:

Launched aboard a Jupiter ICBM, Able and Baker became the first monkeys to survive spaceflight.

     60 years ago, in 1964:

AS-101 (SA-6), is successfully launched, carrying the first 'boilerplate' version of the Apollo spacecraft.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

The Soviet Mars 3 spacecraft is launched.

     51 years ago, in 1973:

The Salyut 2 space station burns up in Earth's atmosphere after 54 days in orbit.


     105 years ago, in 1919:

Arthur Eddington confirms Einstein's theory of general relativity during a total solar eclipse.

     52 years ago, in 1972:

After only 35 days and 425 orbits after its release, the Apollo 16 Particles and Fields Subsatellite (PFS-2) crashes into the Moon.

     50 years ago, in 1974:

Luna 22 (USSR) is launched to the Moon.

 30            LAST QUARTER 

     58 years ago, in 1966:

Surveyor 1 is launched for the Moon.

     53 years ago, in 1971:

Mariner 9 is launched to Mars.

     50 years ago, in 1974:

ATS-6 (Applications Technology Satellite-6) is launched, becoming the world's first experimental Direct Broadcast Satellite.

     9 years ago, in 2015:

Cassini makes its last flyby of Saturn's moon Hyperion.

     6 years ago, in 2018:

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) performs the last engine burn to reach its final orbit.


     89 years ago, in 1935:

The David Dunlap Observatory in Richmond Hill, Ontario, housing a 74-inch (1.88 m) reflector telescope (still the largest in Canada), has its official opening .

     34 years ago, in 1990:

The Kristall (Technology Module) is launched to be a part of the Mir space station.

     20 years ago, in 2004:

Cassini discovers two new moons around Saturn, Methone and Pallene.

     16 years ago, in 2008:

The shuttle Discovery (STS-124) is launched to the ISS with the Pressurized Module and the Remote Manipulator System for the Japanese Experiment Module (Kibo).

     12 years ago, in 2012:

The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft's second test mission (COTS Demo Flight 2+) returns to Earth and is successfully recovered.